Online Marketing

Instagram Ad Mistakes that Must be Avoided

Instagram Ad Mistakes

One thing I have learnt over the years of running my company is that I have wasted money making these Instagram Ad Mistakes here’s the ones to Avoid.

I have been so surprised how Instagram has grown over recent years.

At the time of writing this, Instagram is the best way to find the deal customer to your product. There is no other way to advertise like on IG

There is a wrong way (don’t I know it) and a good way to run ads on Instagram. So many say it doesn’t work and so did I till I found the right way to do it

I have spoken to so many people on IG and I notice most were doing some of the mistakes I am going to tell you about, and some all of them.

Let me guide you through Instagram Ad Mistakes you should try your best to avoid.

Not Aligning with Business Goals

One thing you have to do when running IG ads is to be congruent with your business plan.

You may have the best and greatest ads, but if you are going against your brand and plan, you are not only wasting your time but money as well.

When you know your business goal and mission completely this is the right time to create your first IG ad campaign.

You will have to know what is the purpose of your ad campaign. Do you want to get more followers to your IG profile? Let people know about your wonderful brand? Maybe you want to build up your email list, then you will need a lead capture page to send them to.

When you know what kind of campaign you would like to create, IG ads are not that difficult to produce.

Here are a few questions you should be asking yourself before you should start creating IG ads for your business:

Am I looking to attract past customers of my store or would like to get brand new ones, to learn about my product for the first time?

Do I want to grow my email list and send them to a lead capture funnel page?

What is my realistic goal for running this ad?

Not Targeting the Correct Audience

Did you know that you can use IG ability to target your ideal customer? Due to IG being own by Facebook you using its customer targeting system

You will have to know your audience very well to use targeting ads, You need to know their pain points and how to solve them.

Instagram Ad Mistakes

I was doing this at the beginning TARGETING the wrong customer and I have seen so many others doing the same thing

Let me give you an example: I am into Airsoft and my store sells airsoft mask, now imagine if I was targeting mother’s to be. How well do you think that would go?

Before you start running ads, you have to know your customers, by spending time engaging with your followers, researching other sellers in your field. Work out what customer would benefit from your product and how.

Does your product solve a problem they are having, or give them an emotional response.

To find yourself the perfect customer for your service or product, you should ask yourself these questions:

As I said earlier, you should ask yourself how does my product/ service solve your ideal customer’s pain point?

How does my product or service fulfil my customer?

Who is my product perfect for and would get the most out of it?

What would like you to do is after you have read this whole blog, so go and have a look at what others are doing in your industry and get inspiration and do better.

Follow what they are doing, see what is working and implement it to fit your own clients/customers needs

You should know the demographics of your perfect customer which includes the following: This one is very important, you should know your customers/clients

·  Male/Female or whatever pronouns they like to use

·  Income (if you are running an Advertising agency)

·  There interest outside of your product or services

·  Age Range

·  There location is great to know, if you have a service based business.

Getting your Ad Content Wrong

This what I have noticed a lot of businesses are doing wrong. Running the wrong kind of ads to their perfectly dialled in audience.

There is a reason for this and we all do it at one point or another. But getting this right is so important.

This is the most important thing you must do. CREATE CONTENT IN YOUR ADVERTISING THAT TALKS TO YOUR PEOPLE.

Get to the point as quickly as possible and make sure the content shows your services or products and of course your brand perfectly.

Now for another very important thing, you must do, don’t make it about you and your services, make it about your customer’s pain points Not all about you or your business. It’s a very fine line.

Give inspiration to your customers, make them feel that your service/product will give them wings and empowerment to get all those pain points to leave and never come back.

Your cation should be relevant to your photo/video and reflect what it is showing. Make your IG ad caption needs to be persuasive, but never pushy

Your caption should never be a car salesperson. Really think about the ads that resonate with you.

Be the person your customer can trust and honestly feels you want to help them.

Your copy need to be on point with your video/photo and tell the story of what it is showing.

You to be able to read your copy and know what the photo/video will show without seeing it.

Make sure it has a very clear Call To Action (CTA)

The quality of Images and Videos , is paramount. Please don’t neglect it. But also don’t over edit it to the point of being unreal.

Now you may not believe it, but even to this day, people are still not paying attention to the quality of their photos and videos.

Instagram is a photo-sharing app, it is its only purpose. So the quality of your content has to be of a very high standard. Your ads need to look like any other post on their feed.

I have heard so many people say they can’t afford to buy the right tools to edit the photos, but how can you afford not to. Plus there so many free tools out like Canva.

If I can give you one bit of advice, about taking great photos lighting.

This is where the magic is, do it right and you will not need to do too much editing other than a crop here to there

Instagram Ad Mistakes that Must be Avoided Read More »

Value Ladder? Why Your Business Needs One

What is the Value Ladder? Some may ask.

Do you know that there is a way to add more value to all your services and products in your business?

How would you feel if you were able to increase your income by 30%, 50% or even 100% almost immediately?

With a very well designed value ladder can give you these types of results to your business very quickly.

Value Ladder?

A value ladder is a way of mapping out your product/service offering visually in ascending order of value and price.

Let me explain how a value ladder allows you to cater to your client’s needs, no matter where they are at

How it works is at the bottom of the ladder, you offer a free or very low priced service to your visitor, maybe a free ebook in exchange for their email.

As clients ascend the ladder, the value level increases, as does the cost to play.

The value increases as your clients venture up the ladder.

Value Ladder?

Mapping out your product offering in this way enables you to offer up-sells and down-sells from one product to the next.

Making sure you can provide your clients with the most value, especially ones who are ready to go to the next level of committing to (and will). Will in return you increase your impact and your revenue.

You could not be making as much money as you can in you only have one price or service you can offer. Let me clarify this for you.

Imagine there are three new potential clients and you have a £100 product, which all three would like to have.

One of your new clients has £100. So she purchases. Happy Days!

But to the client two dismay, she only has £50 in her pocket. Without a value ladder, you will lose that sale. If you are able to offer a lower-priced service at the £50 price range she would buy.

While client there has £300 to spend.

With only a £100 service option, you are leaving £200 out of your cash register. This client has £300 worth of value. If you don’t cater to his/her needs, the most you will ever get from this sale will be £100.

As you can see, you need to have a service/product to cater to all possible clients needs. If you do not, as a consequence you are leaving money on the table.

Value Ladder?
Image from conXpros

Are you starting to see how this simple approach can improve your bottom line?

Can you see by taking this simple approach you can improve your bottom line?

Most people focus only on the money/price and not on the value. It is all in the name VALUE ladder and it’s called that for a reason, it is not called a price ladder. You should focus on your client and how your different product offerings deliver value.

Price is secondary. Making more money is a bonus. It happens automatically when you focus entirely on your client and what they actually need.

You should think of the price as secondary, the bonus is making more money. When you focus on your client’s needs it will happen automatically.

Have you thought what your product offering looks like now?

Could you map it out based on the level of value? Can you see gaps where you can enhance your offering?

Is there a way you can map out a base level offer you a place at the first level of the ladder?

Can you see any areas where you can enhance your offering? Are there any gaps?

Let me give you an example of a value ladder for a salon, hopefully, it will give you some inspiration. The goal is to deliver your clients more value.

Iwona is a Salon owner, she trains members of the public to learn new PMU techniques. Her value ladder in ascending order might look a little something like this:

Value Ladder?

There are many ways you can build out your value ladder. You just need to focus first on your ideal client. What do they want and need from your product/service?

If you want to give your business to grow, this is one of the best practices to can do to make it happen.

Value Ladder? Why Your Business Needs One Read More »

Re-Target Your Website Visitors

It may seem like it, but not all Facebook Audiences are Equal

Lookalikes and cold Audiences may be the largest in size, but they are not by far the biggest opportunity. It’s your re-targeted hot website visitors (your website custom audiences) who will deliver your highest return on ad spend.

If you are not letting Facebook ads know about your website visitors and using website custom audiences. You are literally leaving money on the table (not making as much money your business could be making)

I would like to share with you in this article, how to build a website custom audience (WCA) on Facebook. I will also show you my step by step guide to creating a full Facebook Ad Campaign that targets your audience.

1. Create a website custom audience for the last 180 days

Website custom audiences group people based on them being pixeled when they visit your website. You then set conditions, such as what pages someone needs to visit or conversion actions they need to be taken, also in what timeframe, to be included in your audience.

When you want to create any king of website custom audience, you have to first have a Facebook pixel on any conversion tracking installed on your website. (If you would like to know how to go about doing that, here is this step-by-step-guide by Facebook.)

To start things off you will need to get the WCA which groups all your website visitors in the last 180 days.

Now, let’s start this audience, you will need to go to your audiences dashboard using Facebook Ads Manager on the main menu.

Click on Create Audience once loaded and from the dropdown.

You can see below, you will be offered a list of different custom audiences like Customer List (this if you want to use your own database) offline activity, App activity and what you will be using Website traffic.

Click on website Traffic and you will be presented with the following pop up (see below). Give your pixel a name and add your website URL and click on Create.

It will open on Create a website custom audience creation window. At the top, make sure that the “include” condition is set to ANY and not ALL.

Select your Facebook pixel you created earlier. If it’s all working correctly, you should see a green dot next to your pixel name showing it’s active.

Leave the website conditions as Default (All website visitors) and in the day duration field, we are going to change it to 180 days. This is the maximum that Facebook will allow for the number of days for website custom audiences. I would say this is the best starting point testing your website custom audiences. This will create the largest of audiences, especially if you have a small number of visitors a month.

Finally, name your website custom audience: I chose “My 180 days of Website visitors”  I think it was appropriate😉

Create a specific name for your custom audience condition will help you easily keep track and identify your audience, especially when you start new website custom audiences and other audiences.

It will take about an hour or so to populate website custom audiences but can take longer if you have a large number of website visitors per month.

2. Create a website re-targeting campaign to target your new audience

Creating your custom audience was only the start of it, now it’s time for the exciting part. We are going to build a campaign using our freshly created “My 180 days of Website visitors” audience.

What we have to do now is to choose an objective. Traffic Objective is a good place to start, has it’s perfectly optimised for views on a landing page.

When you click Create campaign and click on the switch To Quick Creation button on the top right.

When you click the switch To Quick Creation button in the quick creation window and name your new campaign. I would recommend setting your buying type to Auction

Name your ad set and click on Save to Draft. When your campaign opens, you will need to navigate to the Ad Set level by selecting “1 ad set” at the top of the window.

website visitors facebook ads

You will need to select Website as the destination to drive people to from your ads now you are at the ad set level, in the Traffic section.

Now you will have to set your daily budget in the Budget and schedule section. As a rule of thumb for every 10K people in your Website Custom Audience, set a £5 per day budget. For example, if you have 50K people in your website custom audience, your daily budget would be £25.

When In the audience section, from the Custom Audience field, search for and select the “My 180 days of Website visitors” you created earlier.

Set your target country in the location field as you are using your website custom audience you can leave the rest of your audience sections such as age, gender, and detailed targeting as Default.

In the Edit placements, I would recommend that you deselect all placements apart from Facebook feeds and Instagram feeds in the Placement section.

Finally, in the Delivery and Optimization section, select Landing Page Views from the drop-down, and make sure the Set a Bid Cap is not selected.

website visitors facebook ads optimisation

Now we move on to the Ad Level of your campaign. This is where we are going to create the ad to put in front of your website custom audience.

You will want to use the testimonial ad type in the RTM Method (Reminders, Testimonials, Messenger), when targeting a hot audience of website traffic.

website visitors facebook ads RTM

You will want to build social proofing to establish a greater level of trust and confidence with your audience. The best way to do that is by using Testimonial ads. It will make you your audience want to re-visit your website and convert into a new customer or client.

At the Ad Level, select your Facebook page and Instagram account from the Identity section.

Under the Create Ad tab, select an ad with an image or video. This is known as the single image or video format. We are going to start this campaign with a single image ad.

Click Select Image and then from the Image Library choose a relevant image to the offer you want to promote. For example, you could run a promotion on your most popular product and therefore choose a product image.

TIP: The the best ad format for a single image ad is now 1:1 square ratio, like on Instagram. Minimum of 1,080 x 1,080 pixels.

Next, in the text section follow this copy structure.

  1. Start your ad with a client testimonial or customer.
  2. State your offer to hook your audience to come back to your website. This could include a price incentive such as a discount for first-time customers or clients.
  3. Add any additional social proof, such as “join thousands of happy customers” or “5 stars rated on [insert review platform].”
  4. Add a Call to Action (CTA) such as “click the link below” to “shop now.”

In the website URL section, link back to the most relevant page based on the offer in the ad copy. Also, reiterate your offer in the Headline field. In the Newsfeed link description field, either reiterate the discount code they have to use or your CTA.

Finally, set your CTA button. eg. When buying a product use “Shop Now” and for lead-based businesses use “Learn More,” “Book Now,” or “Contact Us”. This is depending on the offer you used in your ad copy.

Ensure that your Facebook pixel is enabled in the tracking section, click on Publish to set your new campaign live.

Re-Target Your Website Visitors Read More »

Click Funnels Verses Cartflows

CartFlows Verses ClickFunnels 

Cheaper Sales Funnel Software Alternative?

First I have to ask. Is Cartflows cheaper than Clickfunnels?  The cost of Cartflows is $299 (£240) per year.  Clickfunnels is $97 (£78) per month or $1,164 (£930)/year for the basic plan.  And it costs $297 (£237)/month or $3,564 (£2,850)/year for Clickfunnels full package plan. So the simple answer is yes.

What You Will Learn In This Post

→Landing page. What is it?
→Sales page. What is that?
→A sales funnel?
→Clickfunnels Pros/Cons
→CartFlows Pros/Cons

What is a landing page?

A landing page in the digital marketing world is basically a “single web page” that is designed for marketing or advertising purposes.
A landing page is also referred to as a static page, lead capture page, destination page, and I’m sure there’s a few other terms that you’ve probably heard of.
Typically a landing page is used to quickly put a single page or standalone offer together for something that is free of value in exchange for your email address.

What do these landing pages usually have on the page?

  • Clear Headlines Describing The Offer.
  • Clear Benefits.
  • Many times they will remove the navigation menu to keep the page as clean and distract-free as possible.
  • Email Opt-in To Claim The Offer.
  • Video or Text explaining more about the offer.
  • Also, Landing pages usually have an exit pop-up to give the users one last chance on accepting the original offer before they leave the page.

Do you have any landing page examples?

Sure, here is a few examples so you can get an idea of what they can look like.

1. )  Infusion Soft has a very nice landing page.

2. ) Fiverr’s landing page is beautifully done.

3.) AirBnB The King of home rental also has a well done landing page.

If you want to see more examples,  google something like “best landing page examples” to see many other websites with landing page templates and examples.

What is this sales funnel shit you speak of?

Easy now, enough with the potty mouth.. Well, what is a sales funnel?  A sales funnel is the buying process that businesses lead customers through when purchasing products or services.
A sales funnel is made up of several steps or stages. which differ depending on the particular sales funnel type.

What are some examples of sales funnel types?

  1.  A Squeeze Page Funnel
  2. Membership Funnel
  3. Survey Funnel
  4. Live Demo Funnel
  5. Lead Magnet Funnel
  6. Auto Webinar Funnel
  7. Product Launch Funnel
  8. Application Funnel
  9. Cancellation Funnel
  10. Webinar Funnel
Alright!  I think we have a couple things out of the way with sales funnels and landing pages.  Let’s take a deep dive into Cartflows & Clickfunnels and look at them individually and then together to see what we come up with.

What is Clickfunnels?

Clickfunnels Example
Clickfunnels is a user-friendly all-in-one drag-n-drop sales funnel builder & page editor.  Instead of having to connect hosting, connect an email auto-responder, use complex software to build a  membership site, stitch together pages, etc.. you have everything right inside Clickfunnels. They give you pretty much everything you need to market, sell, and deliver your products online.

Who is Clickfunnels for?

  • Agencies
  • Freelancers
  • E-commerce
  • Consulting
  • Coaching
  • Blogging
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • B2B Lead Generation
  • Local Small Businesses

What features does Clickfunnels have?

  • Actionetics – Send emails from within your clickfunnels account.
  • Backpack – Create your own affiliate program if you want others to promote your products or services for a commission.
  • Ability to easily integrate 3rd party autoresponders
  • Integrate payment gateway – apple/android pay,, bluesnap, easypaydirect,infusionsoft, nmi (gateway funnel pros), ontraport, recurly, and stripe.
  • Can integrate with Clickbank, Jvzoo, Paypal, Warrior Plus
  • Funnel Marketplace – A lot of high converting sales funnel templates
  • Russell Brunson’s knowledge & charisma and One Funnel Away Mindset.
  • Share Funnels – Easily share a marketing funnel with someone you know
  • Drag-N-Drop Page Builder
  • Large community of like minded people

How much does Clickfunnels cost?

They have 2 options one is $97 (£78) per month.  The other option is $297 (£237) per month. But first, you can just sign up for the Clickfunnels free trial.


$97 (£78) Monthly

  •  20k/Monthly Visits
  •  20 Funnel Limit
  •  100 Page Limit
  •  3 Custom Domains

14 Day Free Trial 14 Day Free Trial POPULAR



  •  Unlimited Monthly Visitors
  •  Build Unlimited Funnels
  •  Build Unlimited Pages
  •  Email Autoresponder
  •  Create your own affiliate program

14 Day Free Trial 14 Day Free Trial POPULAR

What is the difference between the two clickfunnels pricing packages?

The main difference between the $97 (£78)/month plan and the $297 (£237)/month plan is the number of funnels & pages you can create and the number of visitors per month.  
With the $97(£78) per month plan, you can have upto 20 funnels, 100 pages, and 20,000 visitors per month.   
Where as the $297 (£237) per month plan practically everything is unlimited except the number of magic social contact profiles you can have which is limited to 100,000.
Also with the $297 (£237) per month plan you get Actionetics (Email Auto-Responder) and Backpack (Create Custom Affiliate Program).
Unfortunately, you don’t get Actionetics with the $97 (£78) per month plan.  So you need to use and connect a 3rd party email auto responder.

What are the pros of Clickfunnels

  • Everything Under One Roof
  • Drag-N-Drop Page Builder
  • Russell Brunson – Genius Marketer that wrote 2 amazing books Dotcomsecrets & Expert secrets.  And has tons of other trainings
  • Strong Community
  • Funnel Marketplace – High Converting Funnels
  • If your an affiliate marketer they have an excellent affiliate program and affiliate training bootcamp.

What are the cons of Clickfunnels

  •  It’s a little expensive
  • I wish Actionetics came with the $97 (£78) plan
With clickfunnels I don’t really have any cons beside it’s a little expensive and there is a learning curve but that’s like anything.  Get a new phone and you have to learn all the new features.
Overall, clickfunnels is one awesome software for promoting and selling your product or service.

What do I need to sign-up for Clickfunnels?

You need a domain which I usually go to Ionos or Namecheap to buy my domains.  Then you just need to sign up for a free trial.

What is CartFlows and is it the cheaper alternative to clickfunnels?

CartFlows Pro Funnel Example
Cartflows is a wordpress plugin that works with woocommerce and works with popular page builders  to make beautiful sales funnels.. And according to builtwith, there is 22,674,100 active websites using wordpress and roughly 3 million of those websites are using woocommerce.
 With CartFlows WordPress plugin you can easily turn your Woocommerce website into beautiful sales funnels that have 1-click upsells, customize checkout pages, upsells/downsells, and more.
 You can use page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, or Divi Builder.  I personally LOVE Elementor. 

Who is CartFlows For?

Like Clickfunnels, CartFlows is perfect for everyone from beginners to advanced in many industries from..
  • Agencies
  • Freelancers
  • E-commerce
  • Consulting
  • Coaching
  • Blogging
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • B2B Lead Generation
  • Local Small Businesses

What features does CartFlows have?

  • Integrates with 3rd party page builders like elementor, beaver builder, and divi builder
  • Done for you sales flows
  • Quite a few templates to choose from and more will be released
  • Owners Sujay Pawar & Adam Preiser will have extensive training
  • A/B Split Testing ( coming soon)
  • Cart Abandonment (coming soon)
  • Analytics & Tracking
  • Dynamic Linking
  • Countdown Timers (coming soon)
  • Checkout Custom Fields
  • Global Checkout
  • Use any payment gateway for woocommerce
  • 1-click upsells supported by Stripe & Paypal

How much does CartFlows cost?

CartFlows Pro is $299 (£240)/year

CartFlows Pro

$299 (£240)Yearly

  •  Unlimited Carts & Flows
  •  Premium Templates
  •  One Click Order Bumps
  •  Top Notch Support
  •  Analytics & A/B Testing

Try It Free – 30 Day Full Refund Guarantee Flows and HoesPOPULAR

What do you get with the CartFlows Pro Plan?

  • Unlimited Carts & Flows
  • Premium Templates
  • Enhanced Woocommerce Checkout
  • Checkout Fields Customizer
  • One Click Order Bump
  • One Click Upsell & Downsell
  • Top Notch Support
  • Amazing User Community
  • Great Documentation & Video Tutorials
  • Analytics & A/B Testing
  • SkillJet Training Academy

What are the CartFlows pros

  • You can try it risk-free for 30-days
  • Awesome Value at $299 (£240)/year
  • Owners Sujay & Adam make excellent products and they listen to the users to make it as good as possible
  • Training for everything
  • 1-Click Upsells
  • Unlimited Upsells/Downsells
  • Frictionless Checkout
  • User-Friendly

What are the CartFlows cons

  • It doesn’t integrate with shopify
I don’t really have anything negative to say about Sujay and Adams new baby, CartFlows.  I mean they are the new kids on the block of sales funnel software. So they’re not really as established as clickfunnels.  But watchout, 2019 could be a big year for CartFlows.

To be able to have everything that Clickfunnels has, do you have to buy anything else to make that happen?

Yes.  You need web hosting & a domain.  Hosting can cost you anywhere from $4-12 (£3-9) month.  And usually, a domain can cost anywhere from .99 cents – $20 (Free -£15).  
Conclusion: If you took the basic Clickfunnels plan compared to Cartflows plan, you could use Cartflows and do what Clickfunnels can do and save about $700 (£560) per year.
Some people will justify the extra cost of Clickfunnels to have everything under 1 roof.  And it taking a little less technical effort. So if you want everything under one roof and aren’t has technically capable, use Clickfunnels.  If, you are familiar with WordPress and Woocommerce go with Cartflows. Also, keep in mind, with the extra savings using Cartflows, you could take that money and hire someone to set it up how you want.  Example, if you planned on having a sales funnel software for 2 years. That would be $1400 (£1120) savings if you used Cartflows. You could put that $1400 (£1120) towards whatever is your weakness, whether it be design, SEO, or the technical set-up.

Click Funnels Verses Cartflows Read More »

GETRESPONSE — Opt-in Email Marketing Tool

GETRESPONSE — Opt-in Email Marketing Tool -FULL PROS AND CONS

I have had people ask me these questions few times. I guess this is the reason you are here as well

  • What exactly is Getresponse?
  • Does it have all the functionality I need for my email marketing campaigns?
  • What’s the pricing like?
  • Is it as good as other auto response platforms like Aweber and MailChimp?
  • Autofunnel. What is it?
  • Can Getresponse replace my existing CRM tool?
  • How easy to use is Getresponse?

Read on to find out the answers to these questions. Along with a summary of all the pros and cons of Getresponse. If you find the review useful, please feel free to share it or leave a comment.

I have decided to try and answer those questions to the best of my knowledge. I do love hearing from you guys, so please leave a comment below and by all means share it. If you know some one who will benefit from it.

Let’s start with the basic…

Getresponse What is it?

Getresponse is an email marketing app that allows you to:

  • send newsletters you’ve created to the subscribers on your mailing list
  • automate a series of emails to your subscribers via the use of it’s ‘autoresponders’
  • capture data and import and host a mailing list onto it
  • analyse statistics related to your email marketing campaigns and view – open rate, click through, forwards etc.

In 1998 Getresponse was launched; and according to the company, 350,000 people like yourself and businesses do their email marketing on this platform.

In addition to email marketing, it also provides landing pages, automated sales funnels. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) functionality and webinar hosting.

Getresponse’s feature set has evolved quite a bit recently. Almost at the point of becoming more of an ‘all-in-one’ marketing solution.

How much is Getresponse?

GetResponse provides a One Month Free Trial. No Credit Card Required with full functionality so it’s 100% safe to give it a try

There are four Getresponse price plans: 

  • Basic — starting at £11 per month to send an unlimited number of emails to up to 1,000 subscribers


Email marketing

Unlimited landing pages

Automation templates

Forms and surveys

Exit pop-ups

Facebook Ads

150+ integrations

  • Essential — starting at £37 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers

Everything in BASIC and more:

Unlimited landing pages

List building funnels AUTOFUNNEL

Sales Funnels AUTOFUNNEL

Webinars (max 100 attendees)

Sell e-products

Simple CRM

Work together (3 users)

  • Professional — starting at £75 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers

Everything in PLUS and more:

Automation builder

Contact scoring & tagging

Webinars (max 300 attendees)

Webinar Funnels AUTOFUNNEL

Paid webinars

Work together (5 users)

  • Enterprise — starting at £1,199 per month for lists exceeding 100,000

Everything in PRO and more:

Account manager

Dedicated IP address

Deliverability consulting

Single Sign-on (SSO)

Webinars (max 500 attendees)

Transactional emails

Email campaign consulting

The more subscribers you add your list, the higher the monthly cost. At the top end of the scale. You can expect to pay £340 (Basic), £379 (Essential) or £440 (Professional) to host a list of 100,000 subscribers.

With the “Enterprise” plan, the exact pricing depends on requirements and list size. You’ll need to contact Getresponse to schedule a demo, outline your needs and discuss pricing. If you have any interested in the “Enterprise” plan.

If you pay upfront for 12 or 24 months of service, you’ll get a significant discount (18% and 30% respectively). These are considerably more generous than most competing platforms.

Key differences between plans

There are differences between the ‘Basic’, ‘Essential’ and ‘Professional’ plans from my point of view, these or the key ones:

Landing pages – These are only available on the ‘Essential’ plan or higher.

  • CRM – on the ‘Essential’ plan or higher, Getresponse provides a customer relationship manager albeit a basic one. It’s better than not having it all. 
  • Split-testing — this feature in my opinion a very important one is only available on the ‘Essential’ or higher plans.
  • E-commerce – If you want to get all the features of the Getresponse e-commerce tool (which allow you to sell products). You need the ‘Essentials’ plan or higher.
  • Webinars – webinar attendees are capped for the ‘Essential’, ‘Professional’ and ‘Enterprise’ plans at 100, 300 and 500 respectively. It’. not at all available on the Basic plan.
  • Users –  on the ‘Basic’ plan you can only have one user account; you get 3 on ‘Essential’, 5 on ‘Professional’ and 10 on ‘Enterprise’.

How does Getresponse pricing stand up to that of its competitors?

If you are happy to use the entry-level ‘Basic’ plan. It is an l whole lot cheaper than those provided by many of its key competitors. Especially if you have a reasonable number of email addresses on your database.

For example. If you have a mailing list containing between 9,000 and 10,000 records that you wish to send an unlimited number of emails per month to, you’ll find that hosting it with Getresponse costs £49 per month.

This is:

  • £3 per month cheaper than Aweber
  • £8 per month cheaper than Mailchimp
  • £66 per month cheaper than Campaign Monitor

MailChimp offers narrower pricing bands. So depending on the size of your list, it might sometimes represent a cheaper option (slightly) than Getresponse. I just thought it was best to point that out to you.

When comparing the smaller database end of things, Getresponse’s pricing is quite competitive too. You can host a 1,000 email database for £11 a month with Getresponse, compared to £23 with Aweber; and £46 (unlimited send) on Campaign Monitor.

Mailchimp’s as the same monthly fee for hosting list up to 1,000 subscribers in size is the Getresponse’s.

Two things to be aware of on the pricing front:

  • Some competing providers (notably MailChimp) offer free accounts for users with a small number of records. But these do not offer the full range of features that you get on a paid plan.
  • If you are prepared to pay upfront for 1 or 2 years. You can take advantage of the substantial discounts that the other competitors don’t provide yet.

 In the pricing department Getresponse is pretty competitive. What about the features?

Getresponse’s Key features:

Comperered to other email marketing tools, Getresponse’s is one of the most comprehensive feature set available.

Getresponse provides all you will need from an email marketing platform. From list hosting, templates, autoresponders, analytics and so on. As I mentioned earlier, Getresponse has been recently expanding its features. It is at the point where it has become an all-in-one marketing and e-commerce solution.

The question is. Does this make Getresponse a jack of all trades and master of none? Let’s try and find out by looking closer into its key features?


Autoresponders are e-mails that are sent to your subscribers certain times determined by you. You can set them up. So that immediately after somebody signs up to your mailing list, they receive a welcome message from your business; a couple of days later they could receive an email of valuable content, then a sale pitch. Three weeks later they could receive an email letting them know about your Webinar. And so on.

Getresponse’s key selling point is its autoresponder functionality — it provides some of the most comprehensive autoresponder functionality available.

You can send either action-based or time-based messages, and action-based messages can be triggered by user actions. Time-based options include cycles such as the example above,  or information, for example:

  • opens
  • clicks
  • subscriptions to particular lists
  • changes in contact preferences
  • completed transactions / goals
  • birthdays
  • changes in user data

Marketing Automation is their new autoresponder functionality which was recently added to Getresponse.

It is very similar to Flow Builder in ManyChat , which allows you to create automation workflows using a drag and drop builder — you basically set up an ‘automation flowchart’ that tells Getresponse what to do if a user opens a particular offer, clicks on a certain link etc. SO Awesome!

This kind of functionality goes much further in comparison to other traditional autoresponders out there. Make it easier to visualise your campaign much more easily 

I’d suggest taking a look at Getresponse’s video overview for Marketing Automation, below.


You get a great range of analytics and reporting options in Getresponse. All the basics of course — open rate, click-through, unsubscribe rates and so on — there are some very nice little features that are worth a mention, namely:

Getresponse’s analytics section
  • email performance comparison — you can really easily compare the performance of two email side-by-side.
  • ’email ROI’: add some tracking code to your post-sales page, you can find out how effectively (or maybe not so effectively) your email campaigns are making sales, and work out your Return On Investment (ROI) in email marketing.
  • Information per-user — click on one of your subscribers and see where they signed up from, where they’re located and see which emails they had opened.
  • ‘metrics over time’: you can find out exactly when most of your subscribers take action on your emails, and time your future mail-outs based on this information
  • ‘one-click segmentation’: identify people who did not engage with the email that you sent and put them in a segment of subscribers which you can then email again with a new version of the original email.

Other platforms offer some similar functionality (around sales tracking in particularly) but Getresponse’s reporting tool is definitely one of most fully-featured out there.

Split testing

This tool in my opinion makes is Getresponse stand out above the rest is its split-testing functionality.

It is much more comprehensive than several of it’s competitors provide, it allows you to split test up to five different emails against each other.

By contrast,

  • Campaign Monitor allows 2
  • Mailchimp allows 3 (on its cheaper plan – more are available on the ‘Pro’ feature, but at a cost of an eye-watering £156 per month on top of the standard Mailchimp monthly fees)
  • Aweber allows 3

So, if split testing is important to you, than you should be paying particular attention to Getresponse. 

Getresponse email templates:

When it come to email template I can’t say Getresponse is up there with the best of them.

There are so many templates to choose from, at my count, well over 500 — and they are in easy-to-understand categories, pretty straightforward to find a good point to start from, but you will need to do some editing until you are happy with the design.

The templates are very customisable – you can change fonts, layouts and photos easily using the controls provided; and of course there is nothing in the world stopping you from simply designing your own HTML email template and importing the code.

One thing I have to point out regarding Getresponse’s templates is the RSS-to-email application options isn’t that great (only 11 templates are provided – well short of the 500 or so available for regular newsletters!) 

If you’re unhappy with the templates provided by Getresponse, there’s always the option of buying a template from a third party supplier such as Theme Forest (or coding your own).

Examples of Getresponse templates

Responsive email designs

Getresponse is better than most similar products when it comes to displaying a responsive preview of your e-newsletter –  hitting the ‘mobile preview’ button and you get an instant snapshot of what your email looks like on a smartphone (see image right).

Not only this but you can ‘flip’ the smartphone preview around so that you can preview what your email looks like when the screen is used in either portrait or landscape mode.

An example of ‘mobile preview’ in Getresponse

Web fonts in Getresponse

I would to see Getresponse start having support for web fonts — there are only the usual suspects, only ‘web safe fonts’ can be used (Arial, Times New Roman, Georgia, Trebuchet etc.) in email created with Getresponse.

This help emails to be displayed consistently across most email programs (Thunderbird, not one of them) — but emails tend to start looking a bit boring than they otherwise could.

Given the major email clients’ increasing support for web fonts, it would be nice to see Getresponse allow users to incorporate them into their HTML emails. Hopefully soon, as some of it’s competitors are doing so to some extent 

(Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor are two examples of products which facilitate web font usage – the fonts included in Mailchimp are not the best at all, my point of view, you might as well stick to the web safe ones!).

Landing page creator

Using landing pages when advertising online will usually generate much more leads, rather then sending them to your website page. Using an attractive squeeze page, showing clear information and a beautifully designed capture page will do wonders.

Getresponse landing page creator (and one that’s mobile-friendly) is something very useful, you will find that many of its competitors don’t have that option. 

Campaign Monitor and Aweber require you to use a third party (and paid-for) landing page creating tools like Unbounce or Instapage.

You can use WordPress, but that means you will have to learn whole new system and platform (I can help with that if you would like me to set one up for you) 

MailChimp recently introduced some landing page functionality but it is yet to become anywhere close to Getresponse’s.

Getresponse’s Landing Page Creator is useful, but to get the fully-featured version of it you need to be on one of the more expensive plans.

But on a sad note — as with most of Getresponse best features — this feature is only available on the ‘Essential’ plan or higher; Silver lining? You can buy Landing Pages as an add-on for an extra £12 per month.

Even though you need to have a more expensive plan to access the landing page functionality, it’s an excellent feature, to have included bundled in a software that is essentially an autoresponder.

Walkthrough of Getresponse landing pages


Getresponse recently introduced the ability to host webinars on the platform.

A well known lead-generation tactic is offering webinars, so it’s extremely appealing to have your email database and your webinar tool under the same roof.

The pricing is also very attractive in comparison to other well known webinar options. For example, Gotowebinar,is one of the leading webinar services and they charge £77 per month to host webinars with up to 100 attendees. 

You can actually do the same — and much more with Getresponse for as little as £37 per month.

The attendee limits in Getresponse ‘Essential’ plan allows you to host a webinar with up to 100 participants; the ‘Professional’ plan’s cap is 300; and the ‘Enterprise’ plan’s cap is 500.

There are webinar features in Getresponse that is worth flagging up as being particularly useful are:

  • the fact that your attendees don’t need to install any software to attend the webinars
  • one-click record of your webinars
  • screensharing functionality
  • free online storage for playback files

Having a webinar functionality sitting in your e-marketing arsenal is potentially a very useful feature to have and its inclusion as a feature, gives Getresponse a very significant edge over its key competitors, particularly that you can link it in with a built in CRM tool.

Getresponse CRM

One of the most frustrating aspects of using many well-known CRM tools is the need to export data to CSV and back into your email marketing tool in order to do mailouts (or the need to export data from your email marketing tool into your CRM to add leads to it).

So when I saw Getresponse recently introducing a new CRM feature into their plans I was intrigued – this could potentially do away with all that data exporting and importing, and keep everything neatly in one place.

Initially I wasn’t that impressed with the Getresponse CRM tool as you could only use it to perform rather basic tasks: you could create sales pipelines, add contacts to them and track activity (emails, phone calls etc.) with those contacts manually. 

But recently Getresponse have upped their game — a bit — on this front. The CRM is now integrated with all of Getresponse’s email marketing functionality and you can add users to a CRM pipeline based on their activity (form completions, email opens, purchases etc.) or trigger autoresponders based on the addition of a new contact to a pipeline stage.

An example of how you could use this functionality would be as follows:

  • You can add a contact to a particular stage on a sales pipeline based on the page of your site that they completed a form on;
  • you could then send them a automated email tailored to that pipeline stage a couple of days later;
  • and based on the action they took with regard to that email (clicking on a certain link etc) you could automatically move them onto another stage of the pipeline and automatically invite them to a webinar.

It’s very clever stuff, and I can’t think of any similar email marketing product offering such a tight integration between autoresponders and CRM pipelines. For this kind of functionality you normally need to look at dedicated — and more expensive — CRM products such as Salesforce and Infusionsoft.

However, it’s not all good news on the CRM front — there are some BIG things missing from Getresponse’s CRM feature set.

The most glaring omission is email activity tracking. Other CRM packages allow you to bcc a dropbox email address any time you send an email to a lead or client; doing so keeps a record of the communication in the contact’s history.

There is currently no way of doing this with the Getresponse CRM, nor is there an easy way to send one-to-one emails to leads or clients. 

And oddly, when you click on a contact within a deal pipeline, you can’t see their contact activity — the actions they’ve taken (open, clicks etc.) with regard to previous e-newsletters that you’ve sent them are not displayed. 

To see this, you have to go out of the CRM section of Getresponse, search for your contact in the contacts section and then click on their details. But guess what? Doing so doesn’t display their deal history.

Task management is non-existent too: unlike dedicated CRM tools, there’s no way to assign tasks to other team members.

Finally, adding contacts to a pipeline stage is difficult. You have to add contacts to a list first, then go to the CRM pipeline, add a deal and search your lists for the contact you just added. From a usability point of view this is very clunky and time consuming. 

You should just be able to add a deal directly to a pipeline and input the contact details of your lead or client at that point.

So as things stand, the Getresponse CRM is rather half-baked (and this may be reflected in the fact that the feature has recently been renamed ‘Simple CRM’). 

But that said, it’s a new feature and the stuff it can do on the automation side is impressive. I’m hopeful that this feature gets developed over time because done right, it is potentially a game-changer for entrepreneurs and SMEs. 

Getresponse’s CRM functionality is tightly integrated with its email marketing automation, but as things stand the feature is not up there with dedicated CRM packages

Getresponse Autofunnel

Autofunnel is Getresponse’s newest feature and represents departure for the product. This is because — to a point — it turns Getresponse from being an email marketing platform into something of an e-commerce platform.

The idea behind Autofunnel you don’t to leave the Getresponse environment to do the following things:

  • Create product catalogue
  • Create and launch Facebook ad campaigns
  • Design landing pages
  • Add subscribers to an autoresponder cycle
  • Drive users to sales pages (also created in Getresponse)
  • Take payment for products
  • Send abandoned cart emails if necessary

Getresponse aims to provide you with an easy way to create sales funnels without the need for any other tools at all being necessary (other than a payment processor — Paypal, Stripe etc.). 

If you like, Shopify, Bigcommerce and Etsy can all be easily integrated within this feature.

I haven’t tried this functionality end-to-end yet as it’s a very new feature. My best geuss is that as an e-commerce solution, Getresponse isn’t going to outperform big-hitters like Bigcommerce or Shopify in to much of am hurry. I have to say it’s definitely an interesting new feature and it will be interesting to see how it develops, and what the take-up is ultimately like.

Data management and deliverability

Opt-in processes

There are two way you can add subscribers to your mailing list: a ‘single opt-in’ or a ‘double opt-in’ process (I always use a double Opt-In Method)

A single opt-in process, is when the person signing up to your mailing list is added to your mailing list the moment they hit the submit button on your sign up form.

With a double opt-in process, the person signing up to your list is sent an email with a confirmation link that s/he must click before being subscribed.

The main benefit of a single opt-in process is that it makes it really easy for users to subscribe to your mailing list; it also generally increases conversion rate and therefore the number of subscribers on your list. 

A double opt-in process is better for verifying that the people subscribing to your list are using real email addresses and leads to cleaner data and more accurate stats (because open rates etc. are calculated based on a list containing only real email addresses).

Now, the good news here is that Getresponse allows you to make use of either opt-in approach — this is not the same with all competing products. So a double thumbs up for Getresponse for being flexible on this.

Data capture and forms

There are two ways to use forms in Getresponse — you can either add a HTML form which you style yourself, or you can design your form in Getresponse (picking from a decent range of templates and tweaking them to match your site design).

If you go for the latter route, you can add the form it to your site using a snippet of code which runs some Javascript to display your form — which can be presented in a range of different formats (for example inline, pop-up or slide-up).

You’re probably thinking that all this sounds quite good — but to be honest, I think there’s a LOT of room for improvement with regard to Getresponse form templates. 

For a start, the Javascript forms are not responsive (i.e., they won’t resize themselves automatically to suit the device they’re being viewed on). 

Additionally, no controls are offered by Getresponse to switch forms on or off on particular devices or individual pages of your site. In the light of Google’s new approach to pop-ups (where sites can take a hit in search results if they display ‘intrusive interstitials’ on mobile devices) this is a bit of a concern.

To get around this, I generally avoid using Getresponse form templates, and make do with HTML embeded forms which I style myself; and for popups I connect my Getresponse to a growth-hacking tool called Sumo (this allows me to switch pop-ups off for mobile users, as well as display forms exactly as I’d like to and on the pages I want). 

According to Getresponse customer support, the company is working on improving the forms so that they are mobile-responsive, but I don’t have a precise timeline to share with you on this yet — I’ve been told that the improved functionality is coming ‘this year’ (2019) but not the month.

It’s a definite ‘could-do-better’ here — given some of the impressive and innovative features on offer from Getresponse (such as webinars, CRM and Autofunnel), it’s remarkable that they can’t make a few forms behave nicely on a smartphone…

Data segmentation options

One of the things I like most about Getresponse is the way you can send to (or exclude) multiple segments of data at once. This is not the case with some of Getresponse’s key competitors, including MailChimp and Aweber.

For example, say you have a mailing list in Getresponse that you’ve divided up into four segments:

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

With Getresponse it’s really easy to message A, B and C all at once (you just tick three relevant checkboxes). You could also message B and C and exclude D.

Not only can you message/exclude multiple segments at once, but you can also do the same with individual lists — for example, if you had three separate mailing lists on Getresponse, but you could also mail individuals across all three of them.

This sort of flexibility marks Getresponse out from its competitors — of the similar products I’ve reviewed to date, only Campaign Monitor offers a similar level of flexibility (but this comes at a much higher price).

This flexibility possibly one of the biggest arguments in favour of using Getresponse over key competitor Mailchimp, which doesn’t unlock advanced segmentation features unless you are on its very expensive ‘Mailchimp Pro’ plan.

Getresponse deliverability

The email deliverability rate — the percentage of e-newsletters sent that successfully reach inboxes – is obviously an important thing to look at when choosing an email marketing tool.

Not all email marketing providers are that transparent about their deliverability rates; but Getresponse seems reasonably open about this, with this to say about it on their website:

At GetResponse we are frequently asked about the quality of our deliverability rate. Because deliverability depends on many factors, including the content of your messages, the deliverability rate could vary for each mailing. For all our customers collectively, however, we are proud to say our overall deliverability rate currently stands at 99%.

Obviously you are going to have to take the company’s word for this, but assuming it’s true, it’s a good rate and inspires confidence that the vast majority of emails you send using Getresponse will reach their intended recipients.

Furthermore, Getresponse actually gives you the deliverability rate of each message on your email analytics – this is something I haven’t encountered on competing products’ metrics. A thumbs up for this.

I do have to pull Getresponse up on one thing relating to deliverability however: to ensure a high deliverability rate, it’s advisable to use a system called DKIM email authentication. You can use DKIM with Getresponse – but only on the more expensive Getresponse ‘Professional’ or ‘Enterprise’ plans.

Although I have not encountered any deliverability problems using the cheaper plans without DKIM, competing products don’t force you to invest in a more expensive plan to avail of this feature — it would be good to see Getresponse being more generous here.

User-friendliness / interface

On the whole, Getresponse is pretty straightforward to use. 

It’s certainly easy enough to do all the basics: import contacts, create campaigns, set up autoresponders and check statistics and the interface is pretty clean and intuitive. 

In terms of how its interface stacks up against those of its competitors, I would argue that Campaign Monitor is a little bit more user friendly, and that the Mailchimp interface is slicker (although one that makes finding certain functionality a little bit tricky at times).

One area I feel that could be significantly better from a user-friendliness point of view is the Getresponse e-newsletter editor.

Whilst its drag-and-drop approach does in theory provide a very flexible way to create blocks of content and move them around an e-newsletter, in practice it is a bit clunky to use and can lead to accidental deletion of content, or placement of it in the wrong part of the e-newsletter.

If you can get your head around it, and practice using it a bit, it does make for a very useful tool — it’s just that the implementation of it could be rather better.


Up until very recently Getresponse customer support was amongst the most comprehensive available for email marketing tools: the company offered phone support alongside live chat support, email support and various online tutorials / resources.

Sadly, the phone support has now been discontinued. Instead you’ll have to use live chat (24/7) or email support.

To be fair, most similar e-marketing platform providers only offer these two channels – if phone support is a deal-breaker for you then you might want to consider Aweber, which still provides it (you can read our Aweber review here).

And the email support provided by Getresponse is available in 7 languages, which is commendable. These are: English, Polish, German, French, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese.

In terms of the quality of Getresponse support, I’ve not had to use it very often (a good thing) but when I have, I’ve found it to be a bit of a mixed bag (less of a good thing). 

Some of the live chat support I’ve received has been excellent, and I haven’t had to wait very long at all to chat with an agent. My experience of email support hasn’t been quite as good — more to-and-fro has been necessary to get my queries addressed properly. 

But overall, I’ve been happy enough with the quality of support. As with a lot of support desks, it will often boil down to who you get on the day.

Getresponse free trial

The 30-day free trial that Getresponse provides is fully functional (up to 1,000 subscribers) and you don’t have to provide any payment details. You can access the free trial here.

Review conclusions / Getresponse pros and cons

Getresponse represents one of the more cost-effective ways to host and communicate with an email database; it’s priced pretty competitively in its marketplace.

It’s also one of the more interesting products of its kind — in that it provides email marketing, automation, landing pages, e-commerce, sales funnels, some CRM functionality and webinars all under one roof.

It’s hard to think of any competing product that offers this ‘all round’ proposition, and it’s what continues to persuade us to use it for Style Factory’s email marketing.

Some improvements to Getresponse definitely need to be made however, particularly where the email designer is concerned; its drag and drop interface is more fiddly and less responsive than it should be. A lot of improvements could be made to the data capture forms too, particularly for users wishing to display them on mobile devices.

All in all though I rate Getresponse highly — you get considerable bang for your buck with this product.

Here is my summary of the pros and cons of using Getresponse overall:

Pros of using Getresponse

  • Excellent marketing automation options.
  • So long as you are happy to use a ‘Basic’ plan, Getresponse is cheaper than many of its key competitors (in certain cases, significantly so) whilst offering just as much, if not more functionality as them.
  • The discounts you receive when paying upfront for one or two years of service are very generous — you’ll be hard pressed to find similar reductions in costs from key competitors.
  • The new ‘Autofunnel’ feature is potentially useful for merchants who want to manage all aspects of their e-commerce activity under one roof.
  • Its webinar functionality is a USP — something that is not offered by any similar products.
  • Similarly, the CRM functionality is fairly unique amongst competing for products (although it does need to be developed considerably before Getresponse can be considered a true replacement for a CRM tool).
  • Its reporting and comprehensive split testing features are strong.
  • Getresponse is transparent about deliverability rates, publishing figures on its website and providing deliverability statistics for individual e-newsletters you send.
  • It offers a good approach to data segmentation — it’s more flexible on this front than many competing products, especially MailChimp.
  • Allows you to add subscribers to a mailing list on both a single-opt-in and a double opt-in basis.
  • send responsive emails and allows you to preview smartphone versions of your e-newsletters very easily.
  • Useful landing page creator – but bear in mind that you have to be on a more expensive plan to get the fully functional version of this.
  • You can try out all its features free for 30 days without the need to enter credit card details.
  • Free 24/7 support is included on all plans.

Cons of using Getresponse

  • The drag-and-drop interface for designing emails can be a little bit on the fiddly side.
  • The data capture forms provided are not responsive and you can’t control when and where they are displayed on your site.
  • CRM functionality needs to be improved considerably before it can be considered a replacement for a standalone CRM product.
  • There is a limited range of RSS-to-HTML e-newsletter templates provided.
  • You can only use ‘web-safe’ fonts in e-newsletters, which can make the templates look slightly less slick than those provided by competing products.
  • The pricing structure is a bit confusing, with users having to pay something of a premium to access the landing page creator tool.
  • DKIM authentication is only available on the more expensive ‘Professional’ plans.
  • No phone support is provided.

A free trial of Getresponse is available here.

GETRESPONSE — Opt-in Email Marketing Tool Read More »

5 Effective Ways to Promote ClickBank Products

5 Effective Ways to Promote ClickBank Products

Most beginners who get into affiliate marketing are often torn in different directions. When they stumble across ClickBank and see that the top affiliates are making six figures, they eagerly want to be a part of the ‘movement’ but are often at a loss as to where to start.

ClickBank for the most a digital marketplace… and on the surface, it seems very simple and straightforward. All you need to do is promote their products and you’ll make money when someone buys through your link.

Simple in concept, until you try it and discover that getting people to buy is not easy at all. There’s a lot of work that goes into it.

The key to succeeding with ClickBank is to build a group of followers who like you, trust you and are willing to buy from/through you. This is the ‘secret’ that no one wants to talk about.

Dropping your affiliate links here and there with no real plan will rarely get you sales. You might get the occasional sale, but that’s just a fluke. You need to focus on just ONE proven method and go deep with it till you see results.

In this article, you’ll discover 5 ways to promote ClickBank products. Choose one method and go all out with it. Once you start making good money, you can scale up and if you hit a ceiling, you may try the other methods and so on.

But make no mistake here – you must focus on just one in the beginning.

1. Niche Sites

This is the most common method of promoting affiliate products. It’s used to promote everything from Amazon items to even marketers selling proprietary products through their own ecommerce store.

Having your own blog or niche site will allow you a lot of flexibility to not only build a tribe, but also promote a variety of products that can be both digital and physical.

Of course, you’ll need to know the mechanics of building a site using WordPress. You’ll need a working knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO) and so on.

As you can see, there are many moving parts and you’ll need to learn them all and execute well before you can see sales. All efforts will pay off if you do it right. The best authority sites are making six and even seven figures a month.

Start small and scale up.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is much easier than building niche sites. The catch here is that you’ll need to be constantly making videos and trying to get your videos ranked.

The link in your video description should ideally point to an opt-in page that offers a freebie in exchange for an email address. This will allow you to build a list of targeted people that you can market to over and over again.

People who are camera shy may not wish to do video marketing. But this is a fear that can be overcome when you force yourself to do several videos. Over time, it’ll become second nature to you.

The upside to video marketing is that it’s more visual and since you’re on YouTube, you’ll have access to millions of visitors. The downside is that you’re on YouTube and if they decide to shut down your channel, your business can go belly-up overnight.

Facebook groups

Facebook groups are a fantastic way to build a tribe of loyal followers. It’s easier than niche sites, more personal than video marketing (since you can engage with others) and it also allows you the option to share content and videos, etc.

If used together with a niche site, you’ll be able to really ramp up sales. The key to succeeding with Facebook groups is to keep things entertaining, share a ton of useful information, and occasionally plug a product and tell your group how useful it is.

Facebook live videos can also be used to drum up interest in the product as you explain what they’ll find inside, how the info helped you, and so on.


Pinterest is simple. All you do is post pictures… and now Pinterest allows those images to have affiliate links. Ideally, those links should point to an opt-in page so that you can build a list.

The downside to Pinterest is that not all niches are suitable for it. Since most of the crowd on Pinterest tends to be women, you’d do well promoting products that women love.

Products on ClickBank that targets women’s weight loss, juicing, women’s self-defense, etc. are all suitable. You just need the right images that grab attention and you’ll be able to capture sales through Pinterest.

Paid traffic

All the methods above are free methods. Well, not entirely free since you’ll be spending your time, and time is money – but you get the point.

Paid traffic, however, is real money that you’ll be spending. While highly effective, you’ll need to have knowledge about tracking links, calculating your ROI, customer value, conversions and so on.

Besides these, you’ll also need to be adept at using the paid traffic platform and complying with their list of rules that can be a mile-long. It can get tricky and you’ll need to really get the hang of it to make paid traffic work.

Initially, it’s inevitable to lose some money. In fact, when testing out campaigns and products, even the most experienced marketers lose money until they find a winning campaign that makes them recoup their losses and make profits several times over.

It can be done, but you need the know-how, patience and of course, the budget. If you’re a beginner, and paid traffic takes your fancy, do be cautious and go in with both eyes open. The good news is that once you get good at it and can make it work, you’ll never look back.

These 5 methods are enough to make you a solid income with ClickBank. You don’t even need all 5. Just specializing in one can take you to 4, 5 or even 6 figures if you do it well.

So, get started today and keep going until the sales start trickling in, and finally, it’s a downpour. Time to make it rain!

Free Training

My mentor and I are offering 4 days of free training in Affiliate Marketing. This is especially for the complete beginner. Click the button to find out more.

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4 Common ClickBank Mistakes

4 Common ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Mistakes

One of Murphy’s Laws states that, “If there is a wrong way to do something, then someone will do it.”

While funny, it is true… and thousands of beginner ClickBank affiliates make several cardinal mistakes when trying to promote infoproducts. Their efforts yield no fruit and after a while, they give up and assume that online marketing and ClickBank is a scam.

The truth of the matter is that many of these pitfalls can be easily avoided if you only knew what or where they were – and this article is going to tell you exactly what you need to know.

1. Choosing the wrong product

One of the biggest mistakes that affiliates make is choosing a product blindly just because it’s on the bestseller list. If you’re a beginner and you see a product in the ClickBank marketplace with a high gravity, that means it’s selling well and many affiliates are making bank with it.

Here’s what they don’t tell you – these affiliates are very experienced and the market is very competitive. Since you’re new, you’ll not have the skills to compete in such a saturated market… yet.

You’re better off digging through the listings looking for promising products that are not on the bestseller list. This advice may sound contrary to whatever you may have heard but rest assured that every bestselling product started off with a low gravity before sales took off.

Look for a product that has an attractive sales page and persuasive sales copy. The sales page should intrigue you and make you feel like you want to buy it. Compare it with similar products on the bestseller list. Can the new one that you’re looking at hold it’s own against the competition? If yes, go for it.

2. Unethical products

This is especially prevalent in the health niche. There have been products about improving your vision, how to grow taller and other ridiculous claims that are all hype and don’t deliver on their promises.

When customers send in complaints after purchasing these digital piles of rubbish, ClickBank will remove these products from the marketplace. If you’ve built a website promoting these products, now all your links will be broken and sales will come to a standstill immediately.

So, you’re better off choosing reputable products that don’t make pie in the sky claims. Not only will they be around for a long time, but your tribe will thank you for recommending them.

Wait, what? A tribe???… Read on.

3. Not having a ‘tribe’

A tribe is basically a group of people who like, trust and follow you. You can build a tribe through a blog or with a video channel, Facebook group, etc.

The premise is always the same. You are viewed as an authority and people trust what you say. This can only happen if you share information that helps them solve their problems and achieve their goals.

Many newbies neglect to build a tribe. They blindly run advertisements, or make low-quality videos hoping to rank for a few search terms that may occasionally pick up a sale.

While this can happen, because even a blind pig stumbles upon an acorn every now and then… it is not a recommended long-term approach.

You’ll want to set up a blog or video channel or some group where people can congregate and consume the content that you’re putting out. The more content you offer, the more loyalty you’ll get and they’ll be more likely to buy what you recommend.

Digital products usually need more convincing than tangible products, especially in niches that are not in the ‘make money online niche’. So, build your tribe and convince them that the products are worth getting.

4. Not building a list

This is probably the biggest flaw of the lot. Most beginners are looking for easy solutions. They just want their affiliate hoplink to directly link to the offer. That helps them avoid the hassle of setting up an opt-in page (bridge page), a freebie, an autoresponder and so on.

“Gasp! So many moving parts! I just want to make moneyyyyy!!!”, the newbie exclaims.

And yet, everyone and their grandmother is saying that the money is in the list – and that’s because it is. Decisions, decisions.

While setting up an opt-in page with the autoresponder and free download are a few extra steps that require more effort come with the inevitable learning curve – it’s these steps that make all the difference.

A visitor who lands on your YouTube video may go from your link straight to the sales page of the offer you’re promoting, spend a minute on it and disappear off to Netflix. That will probably be the last you see of them.

Attention spans are extremely short these days. If the link pointed to an opt-in page, the visitor would have been tempted to leave his email for a free download.

Now you’d have captured his email and can market to him over and over via email. It doesn’t matter if he has flitted off to Netflix or Pornhub. You have him by the… email.

You know what they say – it takes several ‘contacts’ or exposures to the same offer before someone buys it. Being able to market to the same people repeatedly will improve your chances of making sales… and as your list of subscribers grows, your rate of success will improve exponentially.

To conclude, always remember to study the offer well before promoting it. Also make sure it’s an ethical offer. Then build a tribe… and create a list from that tribe.

If you get these 4 pointers down, it’ll just be a matter of time before you catch up with the big players and you’ll be able to promote the bestselling products and still compete effectively against the rest. That’s a cool place to be.

(971 words)

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Before Promoting a ClickBank Product

Before Promoting a ClickBank Product

What to Look for Before Promoting a ClickBank Product

The ClickBank marketplace has thousands of products and even more affiliates. Despite the attempts to sort the products by categories and through metrics, there ís no denying the fact that the sheer number of products on the platform makes it similar to the Wild West, with some unruly e-characters running loose.
The beginner who is trying to separate the wheat from the chaff will need to have all his wits about him/her to figure out which are the products worth promoting, and which should be avoided like the plague.
Below you’ll find 10 questions you should ask yourself when trying to ascertain if you should promote a ClickBank product. Just asking these questions before deciding will help you make an informed decision.

1. What is the commission rate?

Of course, it’s mostly about the amount of money when promoting products! No sin in that. When choosing a product, ideally it should pay you at least 50% commission per sale. Most ClickBank products offer that and some go up to 75%.
The low cost of delivering the downloads allow the vendors to offer such high commission rates. So, pick a product that pays you what you’re worth. Your time is money, after all.

2. Are there rebills?

While not a deal breaker, a product that has rebills will allow you to earn more in the following months if the customer signs up for a subscription-based product. You’ll get a cut of the sales for as long as the customer is subscribed.
Not all products come with rebills. Some niches just do not allow for such an option. So, donít discard a product just because it doesnít have a rebill. Just make sure you look for similar products that have that option first.

3. Is the product legit?

A very important point to note. Just because a product has a fantastic gravity and is on the bestseller list does not mean that it will stay there forever. Several ClickBank products that have made bold claims and never delivered on the promises have been removed from the marketplace.
Several of them were in the health niche claiming to make you taller, restore your vision, cure your diabetes permanently and so on. These unsubstantiated, hyped-up products were removed permanently because ClickBank has a reputation to maintain.
And so do you. Promote legitimate products that actually help people and your links will make your sales for you, for a long time instead of suddenly dying because the product has been shut down.

4. How attractive is the sales page?

Looks matter. People judge a book by its cover. That’s how it is. A professional and attractive sales page will help boost conversions. Check the products sales page and see if it’s good, has no spelling errors and other issues that may affect its credibility.

5. Does the sales copy reel you in?

A beauty contest has a question and answer segment to show that looks are not everything. Or at least that’s the idea.
This concept holds true here too. An attractive sales page is not enough. There must be substance. The sales copy on the sales page must be persuasive, tell the potential customer what the product is about, have genuine testimonials, etc.
Read through it all and see if you’re tempted to buy the product. It should resonate with your niche. Compare it with similar sales pages that other products have and see if they can compete.
If the sales page has a sales video, is it interesting? Is there an option to read the sales page instead of watching the video that never seems to end? Not everyone likes to watch videos. All these are pointers to be aware of.

6. Are there leaks on the sales page?

There should be no external links or opt-in forms on the sales page. You do not want the traffic you send to the sales page leaking out into irrelevant sites, etc. A vendor that has an opt-in form and builds a list at your expense is also a no-go.
Once the visitor lands on the sales page, they should only have 2 options to buy or leave. That’s it.

7. Does the product fit your niche?

If you have a niche site that’s about bodybuilding, promoting a yoga course that features a female instructor is just not going to cut it. The people in the niche will have a specific mindset and image.
Most of them will be into bulking and sculpting their bodies. Yoga will not be appealing. However, a guide about how to chat up women at the bar may appeal to them, because many of these guys build their body to attract women.
Understanding your niche is CRUCIAL and finding a product that is suitable for them is half the battle won.

8. Compete or walk the road less travelled path?

The products on the bestsellers list are all winning products that have been proven to convert. The downside is that there is intense competition here.
You could try to compete or you could look deep in the listings pages and try to find hidden gems that are not popular yet because no one has taken a chance on them.
You would be surprised to know that many products in the marketplace that show a low gravity now were actually bestsellers a few years ago. So, don’t put all your faith in gravity. You could make just as much money or even more from a new product.

9. How will you be promoting it?

How you choose to promote the product will matter to some degree. If you’re using Pinterest for traffic generation, you may wish to check and see if there are boards and pins associated with the niche the product is in.
There are some niches that just don’t do well on Pinterest. So, trying to promote a product from that niche will not do well for you.
The same applies to paid traffic. If you’re promoting a $27 product with a 75% commission and no rebills, you may find that you barely make much money because your advertising costs are so high. This product would be better off being promoted on a niche site.

10. Are there affiliate tools?

The reputable vendors will provide email swipes, graphics, tools and information for affiliates. It is in their best interest that you do well.
If you want a review copy, contact them and ask for one and mention how it will help in your promotions. The speed at which they reply you will also be an indicator of how good their customer support is. The faster, the better.
The product research and sifting process takes time and can be a hassle. Yet, it is a very important process that you must go through in order to pick winning products, increase your sales and even discover a diamond in the rough before anyone else stumbles upon it. This is time well-spent.

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln

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ClickBank a Crash Course

If you’ve just gotten started with online marketing, you’d often see the name ‘ClickBank’ being tossed around as one of the best ways to make money online.

This is true and several people have made six figure incomes on this platform and many others make a full-time income from it. Before you even get into the whole choosing the product to promote and traffic generation methods, it’s good to know the basics.

This Blog will act as a primer for ClickBank so that you don’t go in blind. Let’s get started.

What is ClickBank?

For starters, it is NOT a bank. ClickBank is platform for vendors to sell products and for affiliates to promote these products. For years, one could only sell and/or promote digital items on ClickBank.

However, things have changed recently and you’re now allowed to sell physical products. This has opened up a lot more options to both vendors and affiliates alike.

How to sign up with ClickBank

Signing up for ClickBank is easy. Just visit: and fill in your details and sign up.

Do I need to pay?

You do not need to pay a cent. Signing up for ClickBank is free. You can do it yourself and don’t need to pay anyone to do it for you.

How much money can I make?

If you’re used to seeing cheesy info product sales pages, you’ll often see them make bold claims such as, “Discover How I Made $3,421.27 on ClickBank in 20 Minutes… in My Underwear – Without Any Skills!”

Take these bold claims with a pinch of salt. Most aren’t even remotely close to the truth.

How much money you make with ClickBank will depend on your online marketing knowledge, your skills, your budget, your strategy, how much you work and a teeny bit of luck. If you’re an expert, the sky is the limit and ClickBank has made millionaires out of people.

It does take work, patience and time. If you stick with it, you can definitely make a living from it.

Do I need PayPal?

No, you don’t. With PayPal’s recent shutdowns, more marketers are starting to look towards ClickBank as a way to earn and get paid.

How do I get paid?

There are 4 methods of payment: –

  • Direct deposit where the money gets deposited into your bank account directly
  • A check that’s mailed to you
  • Wire transfer, if you live in a country that does accept direct deposit
  • Payoneer, which is an international money transfer service

You only need to choose one method… and ClickBank always pays on time.

Do note that you’ll need to set a payment threshold in your account. Once your earnings hit the threshold, you’ll receive the payout. There will be a $2.50 service fee too.

About 10% of your earnings will be held by ClickBank until the next payment. This is to cover returns, refunds, etc. No worries. You’ll get whatever you’re owed.

How does it all work for an affiliate?

The process itself is simple. You sign up for ClickBank and log in. Now you’ll need to visit the ClickBank affiliate marketplace here:

Once you’re inside, you’ll see a list of categories with sub-categories leading to pages and pages of products that you can choose to promote. Study the metrics, pick a product that suits you and click on the ‘PROMOTE’ tab.

You can then get your hoplink URL. This is the link that you’ll use to promote that specific product. Each product will have its own URL. So, you’ll need to get a new one for every product you decide to promote.

Is ClickBank a scam?

No, it’s not. It’s a very reliable and trustworthy platform that has been around for decades.

How can I promote products with ClickBank?

There are so many methods that it’s mind boggling. You only need to choose one solid and proven method and focus on it.

This promoting of affiliate products falls under ‘traffic generation’ and is something that you’ll need to spend time studying and applying. Niche sites, paid traffic, video marketing and using social media such as Facebook groups, Pinterest, etc. for traffic generation are all highly effective ways to get eyeballs on the offers you’re promoting.

Once again, the key to success will be to focus on one method until it works for you. The successful marketer is often the beginner who started out with laser-like focus.

That should wrap up your ClickBank crash course. If you’re looking to make an income online, ClickBank is one of the best ways to go about it.

All you need to do is master the basics, learn how to generate traffic consistently, and apply yourself and stay focused until you see positive results.

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Sales Funnel For Affiliate Marketing

Sales funnel for affiliate marketing

Sales funnel for affiliate marketing, where should I begin? The words “Sales Funnel” may mean something different from you.

It’s been a marketing strategy that has been around for a considerable length of time in the real world. Likewise, a system that has been routinely utilized by the online marketer.

Sales funnel for affiliate marketing. This is a photo of a sale funnel (a upside down triangle) starting from the top in green Awareness, interest, (lighter green) Consideration (orange) intent and in RED buy.

It’s the best path for a Sales funnel for affiliate marketing, for a marketer to get more cash-flow from the traffic who visit their site.

There are two general kinds of the sales funnel:

The Multi-Product Funnel

This one is constantly being used with products from JVZoo, Warrior Plus and here and there on ClickBank.

This is the place you purchase a low-priced product on the landing page and are then exposed to an assortment of upsells and one-time-offers that are intended to part you with a greater amount of your cash.

The objective of this sort of funnel is to sell you different items one after another before you truly have room otherwise think about your alternatives.

The offers frequently have clocks demonstrating how brief period you have left to settle on a choice or you’re informed that constrained amounts are accessible.

1. The Single Product Funnel

The second sort of funnel is equipped around selling just one item.

The motivation behind the funnel is to show it to them many times to clarify why it will be helpful, if not fundamental, to help solve a problem they or their business may be having.

This is frequently accomplished by pulling them in by offering a free item and after that sending them a progression of messages telling the advantages of the item you’re attempting to sell them.

A less normal strategy is to give a free a report and information about the product, paying little mind to whether they wind up purchasing or not.

Sales Funnels In Use

Sales funnel for affiliate marketing. One left is a sign saying Welcome to Sales funnel with 5 figures with a magnet attracting them into same gears, thanin to a funnel.

In the event that you’ve at any point purchased anything in the Make Money Online speciality, you’ve just been shown to the multi-item sales funnel.

They can frequently leave an awful taste and you wind up feeling like you’ve been bothered into spending much more cash than you expected.

In the event that you had that feeling, is that something you ever want to bring out in your own clients?

Remember that the customer who takes a look at your offers are genuine people, not charge cards with legs.

Treat your potential customers, simply like you’d like to be treated by a salesperson in a shop.

That is the reason I recommend the second sort of funnel.

There’s no hard sell included. You’re giving your prospects something to lure them in your landing page.

From that point, you begin acquainting them with your offer and why it may be a solid match for them.

You’re attempting to entice them to what you are offering will help solve the pain points they are filling when they saw you product in the first place.

In the event that they purchase, at that point, they’ve settled on the choice to purchase.

You haven’t forced them to settle on the choice by offering some bogus shortage strategies like a commencement clock or saying just a predetermined number of duplicates are accessible.

Since a prospect has settled on the choice to purchase their terms, they’ll feel greatly satisfied with their purchasing choice.

You’ll have earned their trust and you can be assured that you have formed your association with them so you can showcase different products to them more effectively later on.

So How Does This Tie In With Affiliate Marketing?

As a rule, advertisers are offered access to a membership area, which then offer you promotions samples and message swipes that they can use in your email outreach etc.

These are used to direct people to an offer.

Be that as it may, when a prospect purchases or joins on a squeeze page, they go onto the seller’s email list, not the affiliates.

That implies that the affiliate has lost access to that customers details and the vendor can market to that client consistently.

You may acquire commissions on different items.

In any case, what you, as the affiliate don’t know is if the seller is selling more items that are not in “general release” they can send your customer to there sales funnel and get the sale

So you could be passing up on commissions subsequently.

Normally, a sales funnel begins with a low-evaluated item, offers higher-valued items in the funnel, coming full circle in at least one high-ticket items toward the finish of the funnel.

This is very similar to a Value Ladder, which is a sale funnel you would use in a real-life situation

This will, in general, be the place the seller make the greater part of their cash. It’s far simpler to sell one high-ticket item than many low-ticket ones.

The seller is well within their rights to showcase items that you won’t gain a commission on.

All things considered, they claim the email list that the purchasers are happily bought in to.

Most affiliates get a link from the seller, like Clickbank, build their own landing page and when your customer gives their details in goes into their email auto responded, like Getresponse.

They select the front-final result, the upsells and any high-ticket items in advance.

Truly, the customer will be shown to every seller’s funnel just as the affiliates are.

All things considered, regardless,I feel that the Single Product funnel is the better methodology from a customers relationship perspective.

On the off chance that a customer does not become enticed by your offer, regardless you have them on your email list. Furthermore, presently it’s an ideal opportunity to make an alternate offer to them.

You can market to these customers as frequently as you would like, as they’re on your email list.

So the best focal points of your own sales funnels are:

You get the chance to add the customer to your own email list

Your email list is a business resource you completely claim. Its convenience doesn’t rely upon the impulses or calculation changes of Google, Facebook or whoever.

Email promoting is as yet the most ideal way to profit on the web.

You can market your offers as regularly as you need.

You can assemble your own one of a kind sales funnels, joining items from an assortment of affiliate sellers.

As a sole advertiser, you will never send a customer to a legitimately to an offer. You’re fundamentally giving sole access to that individual to the customer.

You should always send customers to a squeeze page first – one that you own – after they sign up there that you send them on your main offer.

Along these lines, you’ve got their email address and they are happily apart of your 100%-claimed business resource – your email list.

How Do You Build A Sales Funnel?

In the event that you use WordPress, there is one plugin I know and like very much. It’s called Cartflows and it is a great option to create funnels in WordPress and comes different kinds of funnel templates.

In any case, making a genuine sales funnel isn’t the simplest. These modules are incredible at making individual pages instead of a whole funnel. Make sure each page identifies one another. You have to Monitor and compose each page of your funnel.

A platform like Clickfunnels that is structured to create sales funnels, is one way to go. With a platform like this, you don’t need your very own site domain like WordPress.

Clickfunnels more or less takes care of everything for you.

No matter which way you choose to go, having a sales funnel will make converting so much easier. Don’t think about running your Facebook Ads or Google Adwords directly to your website, send them always to a Landing/ squeeze page of your funnel.

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